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Participating in Germany

You are pleased by Primavera and you would like to participate from Germany to support the projects? We organized so far successfully a calendar sale, voluntary parties and benefit concerts, designed a beautiful cook book and a children's book and many more. Therefore we need volunteer helpers. But we also search for creative helpers with new ideas for smaller and bigger events to extend our current activities and compliment with new actions, new ideas are welcome. Are you interested in joining Primavera to help? Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are glad to welcome you!

Voluntary service

Are you interested in volunteering?
So far, we have only been supported by volunteers in exceptional cases. This is mainly because we try to involve the local people in the projects and build up the responsibilities there. In order to be able to volunteer on site, you should meet the following requirements.

1. No assumption of costs
As all donations go directly into the projects, we cannot cover the costs of travel, accommodation or food.

2. Knowledge of the local language
As you will have to communicate with the children and the caretakers on site, you should be able to speak the local language. In Latin America this means Portuguese or Spanish, in India Hindi, in China Chinese etc. The only exception is the "Shanti Bhavan" project in India. There, it is also possible to work if you speak fluent English.

3. Minimum stay of three months
On site, you and the supervisors need some time to familiarise yourself and settle into the country. So that the children do not have to get used to changing caregivers too often, you should plan at least 3 months for your stay.

If you meet the above requirements, we will be happy to put you in touch with a suitable country. To do so, simply send us a short email and tell us which project you are interested in.

Are you interested in a social year?
Unfortunately, our organisation is not registered and therefore not authorised to offer a social year.

"The time flew by and it was very hard for me to say goodbye to the children, because I took them to my heart very quickly. I would like to visit India and Shanti Bhavan many more times."
Peter Schmid (19)
"My volunteering at Shanti Bhavan was not always easy, but I learned an unbelievable amount and had wonderful experiences."
Nanja (19)