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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dignity for Children Foundation - Care for Safety

Safety, Education, Food

Primavera, CareforLife, CareForSafety, Charity, Children, Education, aid, hilfsorganisation, help, bildung

Project location: Kuala Lumpur

Number of children supported: 49

Type of support: Safety, Education, Food

Period of support: Since 2024

Bosch has launched its #CareForSafety campaign for the children at “Dignity for Children”- Foundation alongside Primavera.

Dignity for Children Foundation vision is to nurture and empower world changers through transformative education. Started in 1998 in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur with only 20 students, Dignity is now a learning centre with more than 2,000 children (annual enrolment) ranging from 4-19 years old.

The program crafted alongside Dignity- #CareForSafety will focus on road safety education and bus transportation sponsorship for Dignity’s children. Especially with a school situated at Sentul Raya Boulevard where classrooms are scattered in different buildings and the roads are busy, safety is always a concern. With the help of Bosch & Primavera, our students will now be able to focus more on studying with peace of mind.

Bosch’s #CareForEducation initiative receives financial support from Primavera to sponsor daily meals and school bus transportation for 49 children für a whole school year.

Project impressions

Malaysia; careforsafety; dignityforchildren
Malaysia; careforsafety; dignityforchildren
Malaysia; careforsafety; dignityforchildren
Malaysia; careforsafety; dignityforchildren

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