Teach for the Philippines

Project location: Philippines
Number of children supported: 2107
Type of support: Education
Period of support: Since 2023
#CareForEducation, Bosch’s initiative with Teach for the Philippines (TFP) is now on its way towards completing its 2nd year, The Functional Literacy and Batang Bayani programs benefitted in total 2107 students, focusing on:
- Developing reading and math skills (Functional Literacy Program )
- Developing life and leadership skills in public school students (Batang Bayani Life skill program).
Tara Kaya Program, the new program developed by TFP, integrates Functional Literacy and Batang Bayani into a holistic approach. It aims to enhance academic outcomes while boosting students' confidence and resilience, since previous assessments show that improved self-awareness, self-management, and relationship skills lead to higher engagement in literacy and numeracy activities.
The mentioned programs have greatly helped the students:
- Literacy score went up from 26% (2022) to 40% (2023)
- Numeracy Score went up from 61% (2022) to 70% (2023)
- Students can identify letters and sounds, decode basic text and demonstrate basic language and comprehension skills.
With the help of primavera, the program will be continuously supported in the next years.