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Sri Lanka


Construction of a building with sit down meals area, kitchen area & administration office for the childcare center

Sri Lanka

Construction of a building with sit down meals area, kitchen area & administration office for the childcare center

Sri Lanka, Uyanwatte Ancient Temple, Dambulla

Project location:
Sri Lanka, Uyanwatte Ancient Temple, Dambulla

Number of children supported: 30

Type of support:
Construction of a building with sit down meals area, kitchen area & administration office for the childcare center

Period of support:

The Child Care Centre, located within a village temple, serves approximately 30 children between the ages of 5 and 18. Primavera supported the construction of a new facility, including a dining area, kitchen, and administration office, to enhance the services provided by the center.

The children at the center are directly benefited by Primavera, which uplifts their living and education standards. They are cared for by two matrons who reside on the premises and are available 24 hours a day. The children receive food, sanitation, and education, with support from social service departments, personal donations, and local civil organizations. The center provides care for the children until they reach 18 years of age, at which point they typically find employment and fend for themselves.

Primavera India's financial support was crucial in constructing a new facility for the Child Care Centre. In 2022, the funds were used for the building's foundation, pillars to support the concrete slab for the roof, and plans for expansion. Progress was slow in 2022 due to soaring raw material costs, but the completion work has continued. In 2023-24, the walls and flooring were beautified, and the facility was furnished with tables, chairs, cupboards, and kitchen utensils.

• Construction began with the foundation and pillars in 2022.

• Progress has been slow due to rising raw material costs.

• The ground floor, including key facilities, is now complete.

Project contact

Christoph Kübel