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Bogotá, Kolumbien

CES Waldorf

Education and Alimentation

education alimentation

Corporación Educativa y Social Waldorf

Project location: Bogotá

Number of supported children: 450

Type of support: Education and Alimentation

Period of support: Since 2014

Inspired by Waldorf Education, CES Waldorf is implementing a unique educational and social project that promotes the integral development and resilience of children, adolescents and their families. After the signing of the peace treaty between the FARC guerrillas and the Colombian government, Colombians society faces the immense challenge of managing the post-conflict that inevitably awaits the next generations. Initiatives like CES Waldorf are of inestimable importance here, as they work at the grassroots level of society, with the families affected.

Located in the Sierra Morena district within the borough of Ciudad Bolívar in the southern outskirts of Bogotá, CES Waldorf attends to the needs of children, young adults and their families in one of the most depressed and insecure neighborhoods of Colombia.

Their mission is to recover the dignity and self-esteem of a population that lives in a complex situation of extreme poverty and social exclusion, by improving its socio-economic and interpersonal living conditions.

With its funds, Primavera helps to promote the holistic education of the children and young people in our care and to deal with the consequences of violence and poverty, so they can find alternatives which will enable them and their families to build a dignified future.

Project impressions

CES Waldorf Bogota
CES Waldorf Bogota
CES Waldorf Bogota
CES Waldorf Bogota
CES Waldorf Bogota
CES Waldorf Bogota
bogota CES Waldorf
Bogota CES Waldorf

Project contact

Dr. Wolfram Anders
