Rafael Arcangel

Project location: Cordoba
Number of children supported: 20
Type of support: Physiotherapy, Education, Alimentation
Period of support: Since 2020
The organization exists since 2017 and is developed as a sustainable support project for 20 disabled children e.g. Down Syndrome.
Based on Anthroposophy and Waldorf-conception children of different ages are supported referring their needs and capabilities by professional Stuff.
Target is, giving children with different disabilities time and space to develop their capabilities to increase their sense of self-esteem to enable a better integration into the social society in the future.
Different therapeutic measures like language therapy und psychopedagogic activities are supporting the development of the childrens’ personality.
The building provides different workshop rooms and a big meeting room for practicing common activities as well as a lunchroom in the village Villa Allende close to Cordoba.
The project is supported to 100% of different donations.