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Asunción, Paraguay

Fundacion Kolping


paraguay kolping

Project location: Fernando de la Mora

Number of children supported: 47

Type of support: Scholarships for vocational training of young people from poverty

Period of support: since 2014

In Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, Primavera is collaborating with Bosch on site to support a sustainable training project for disadvantaged young people. The provider is the Kolping organization, which operates an education and training center with a local vocational school.

The aim of the project "Vocational Training Scholarships" is to give disadvantaged adolescents and young adults vocational training in technical professions in various professional areas

• Automotive mechanics

• Mechatronics

• Electric

• Security area

• Video surveillance systems

or to enable the completion of a technical high school diploma and thus a job. This is done in cooperation with state training centers so that the formal recognition of the training courses by the authorities is ensured.

Bosch in Latin America is responsible for the technical equipment of classrooms and the provision of the necessary learning material. Bosch employees also volunteer to train teachers for specific subject matter.

A large number of young people live below the poverty line and with this project they are to be reached and sustainably supported. This is the only way that education can pave the way out of poverty in the long term. Every year, depending on the type and level of training, between 50 and 100 young people are supported with scholarships for vocational training.

In addition to technical qualifications, behavioral values such as responsibility, reliability, determination and respectful interaction with superiors, colleagues and outsiders are taught. After completing their training, the young people have very good chances of finding a job, not only at the companies that cooperate with the vocational training center, but also beyond.

Since 2014 Primavera has been supporting annual scholarships of 15,000 euros for professional training as well as teachers, equipment and teaching material.

Project contact

Rebecca Ebberg

Primavera, Paraguay, Kolping, Fundacion Kolping, Asuncion, South America, Südamerika, Bildung, Weiterbildung, Ausbildung, Stipendium, scholarship, apprenticeship, charity, mechaniker, mechanic
Primavera, Paraguay, Kolping, Fundacion Kolping, Asuncion, South America, Südamerika, Bildung, Weiterbildung, Ausbildung, Stipendium, scholarship, apprenticeship, charity, mechaniker, mechanic
Primavera, Paraguay, Kolping, Fundacion Kolping, Asuncion, South America, Südamerika, Bildung, Weiterbildung, Ausbildung, Stipendium, scholarship, apprenticeship, charity, mechaniker, mechanic
Primavera, Paraguay, Kolping, Fundacion Kolping, Asuncion, South America, Südamerika, Bildung, Weiterbildung, Ausbildung, Stipendium, scholarship, apprenticeship, charity, mechaniker, mechanic
Primavera, Paraguay, Kolping, Fundacion Kolping, Asuncion, South America, Südamerika, Bildung, Weiterbildung, Ausbildung, Stipendium, scholarship, apprenticeship, charity, mechaniker, mechanic
Primavera, Paraguay, Kolping, Fundacion Kolping, Asuncion, South America, Südamerika, Bildung, Weiterbildung, Ausbildung, Stipendium, scholarship, apprenticeship, charity, mechaniker, mechanic
Primavera, Paraguay, Kolping, Fundacion Kolping, Asuncion, South America, Südamerika, Bildung, Weiterbildung, Ausbildung, Stipendium, scholarship, apprenticeship, charity, mechaniker, mechanic