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Urubamba, Peru

Hearts for Peru

school meals

Peru, Primavera, Cusco

Project location: Region Urubamba, Cusco

Number of children supported: 375

Type of support: Daily meals for the school network

Period of support: Since 2013

"The best way out of poverty is the way to school." This is the motto of the organization "Herzen für eine neue Welt e.V."

Together with the local partner association "Corazones para Peru", the organization would like to sustainably improve the living conditions of the rural population and especially the children in the high Andes of Peru with several projects.

The Munaychay Children's Village is at the heart of the project work. Around 70 children and adolescents have found a home and a family here, where they can grow up safe and protected and develop with the help of house mothers, psychologists and volunteers. The village offers children and young people between the ages of 4 and 18 who have been orphaned, abandoned or whose parents could no longer support them, a loving, cared-for home.

One of the projects of “Hearts for a New World” is the support for the school network for expansion, staff and school meals. As part of the school network, 15 rural primary schools and 1,100 children are currently supported with a school lunch program. Primavera has been supporting this since 2013. Schoolchildren receive a warm and healthy lunch every day and sometimes also breakfast.

Trained cooks ensure a healthy and balanced diet. The food comes from its own "Santa Rosa" agricultural center with its own organic fruit and vegetable cultivation on 2 hectares as well as its own bees and chicken breeding.

Bosch employees from Peru regularly visit the facilities on site. Some of them also volunteer to help with various tasks, take on sponsorships and organize donations in kind such as required electrical / household appliances and tools.

Project impressions

peru, primavera, schulkinder, schoolkids, speisen, nahrung, waisenkinder, kinderdorf, charity, children, nutrition
peru, primavera, schulkinder, schoolkids, speisen, nahrung, waisenkinder, kinderdorf, charity, children, nutrition
peru, primavera, schulkinder, schoolkids, speisen, nahrung, waisenkinder, kinderdorf, charity, children, nutrition
peru, primavera, schulkinder, schoolkids, speisen, nahrung, waisenkinder, kinderdorf, charity, children, nutrition
peru, primavera, schulkinder, schoolkids, speisen, nahrung, waisenkinder, kinderdorf, charity, children, nutrition
peru, primavera, schulkinder, schoolkids, speisen, nahrung, waisenkinder, kinderdorf, charity, children, nutrition
peru, primavera, schulkinder, schoolkids, speisen, nahrung, waisenkinder, kinderdorf, charity, children, nutrition

Project contact

Rebecca Ebberg
